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When I was a year old, my dad, an aerospace engineer for Boeing, moved to Huntsville, Alabama to work on the Apollo space program. I was introduced to performing in school and church productions at a very early age, moving on to numerous high school productions, community theatre, and eventually going on to earn a BFA degree in Theatre Performance from Auburn University in 1986.
I gave my life to Christ at the end of my junior year at Auburn which changed my perspective forever on being an actor and what roles I was willing to take on now that I was a believer.
Toward the end of my senior year at Auburn, I was asked 'who are you doing this for?’ The question threw me because I had never been asked that before. After some thought and prayer, I decided I would honor the Lord as an actor and based upon this decision I began a list of the roles I would not take. These included roles that glorified homosexuality, dark roles, nudity, sex scenes, roles with profanity, roles that demeaned the nuclear family (especially the father), and roles that dishonored the Lord. But.....since that seemed to be about 99% of the parts available for actors at that time (and still are), I realized my career might be very short.

And it was.

Plus, after working in summer repertory theatre and in a few movies, I realized very quickly that the business side of theatre was not very forgiving. So, I withdrew from the world of theatre to work in the world of retail, got married to my wonderful wife (almost 30 years now), and started a family (2 kids and 3 cats). After leaving retail I went back to school and earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems (fancy name for computer geek) and became a contractor like the other thousands of contractors for NASA or the Army.

I entertained the idea for about 10 years of going to Atlanta or other large cities to try again as an actor but never did. I came to the realization that I had to die to that dream. And I did for the next 25 years ......until I started watching some of the Christian films that were coming out. Wonderful stories but cringed at the acting. I began to ask the Lord if I could participate in Christian filmmaking/media in some way to further His kingdom. God will give us direction for our lives if we ask humbly and follow His direction. James 4: 3 “You ask and don’t receive because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your evil desires.” and James 4: 10 “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you.” God will answer with either 'Yes', 'No', or 'Wait'. For me, He said 'Wait'. I was thrilled and joined the CWVFF prayer team 3 years ago. Now, I’m starting to network with local talent here in the Tennessee Valley. To that goal, I've begun the process of creating voiceover demos for Christian media, recently submitted my first ever screenplay, and made my directorial debut directing a short Christian film that is currently in post-production.

I don’t know what the future holds for me and Christian filmmaking, but I know it is all in His Hands.
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  • 04/17/1963
  • Followed by 5 people
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