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Ashley is an award-winning Independent Filmmaker from Northern Kentucky. Growing up, her favorite films featured Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, and Annette Funicello. Her comedic heroes were/are Carol Burnett and Dick van Dyke, two similarly long-faced, long-limbed actors who inspired her to take her gangly frame and love of classic Hollywood and enter the entertainment field, starting at her local level.

After a decade in community theatre as a long-faced, long-limbed (usually in comedic/ingenue roles) actor, in 2010, Ashley entered the world of film. After a short stint as a production assistant for another company, she and a small group of dedicated friends branched out on their own. Their first film, “No Lost Cause” is currently internationally distributed and was featured on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network). Their second feature film, “The Hepburn Girls” was released in 2016.

Switching back to the world of community theatre, Ashley helped found and became the Vice-President (now President) of the theatre company, “The Theatre Downstream.” After seven years in operation, and twenty shows, Ashley has served on the production team of every show in whatever capacity was needed: acting, directing, writing, publicity, etc. When the pandemic hit, she helped form “The Lemonade Jamboree,” an online branch of The Theatre Downstream that produced short films featuring alumni acting and singing original and public domain material.

Ashley has also written numerous sketches, one-acts, and full-length plays. In 2019, she co-wrote the (now award-winning) full-length play “He Needed Killin'” with Rebekah Raymer. Currently, they are hard at work on their second collaboration.

No matter what the project, Ashley is happiest when she is able to bring talented people and their art together for the consumption and appreciation of the public. While her taste remains vintage, she is grateful for the technology of the modern world, and the particular opportunity her new podcast affords her to both work with her dear friend Candy, and to share her thoughts, aspirations, and brain full of trivia and random knowledge.

Her lofty dreams are to create things that people remember and to one day own an alpaca. Above all, she loves God, her family, her friends, her cats, and brownies.

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