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Stephen Joseph Burke is a Broadway style composer, producer and the artistic director of Shining Light Players.
From earliest childhood God placed a love for theatre arts in Stephen's heart. As a missionary kid in Singapore, Stephen and his two sisters established an amateur theatre company. He wrote and directed his first musical at age twelve. The "Palm Tree Theatre" produced a new Christian musical every year for the next five years.

Stephen has always believed that God opens doors, but we have to work with the resources we have now and walk through them. Before attending Pensacola Christian College Stephen had written and directed six Christian musicals and acted professionally for the Television Corporation of Singapore and in Docudramas and international Television Commercials.

At Pensacola Christian Stephen earned Bachelors and Masters degrees in performance and dramatics. He was blessed with the opportunity to further develop his skills as the Staff Production Director and Playwright. He enjoyed writing numerous plays and directing 20 plays and musicals until 2013 when the Lord lead him to step out on faith and work full time with Shining Light Players.

Stephen's heart's desire is to please the Lord and point others to Christ with dramatic art.

Since 2013 Stephen has successfully written and produced six original musicals, most notably “The Hiding Place” the musical (
and “To This End of Heaven”, a WWII musical which is an official selection at the International Christian Film and Music Festival 2022.
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